The National Latino Peace Officers Association is the largest Latino law enforcement association in the United States.  It is open to all, regardless of race or ethnic background. The objectives of the National Latino Peace Officers Association are to create a professional association that provides its members career training and  promote education and career advancement, mentoring and a strong commitment to community service.


“Ensure equal opportunity in the administration of justice for our members and the communities we serve through leadership, mentoring, and charitable giving.”


“We are committed to creating a professional association that provides support, advocacy, personal and professional development to its members, and the diverse communities we serve.”



•    Keeping America Safe.
•    Increase Professional Development and Opportunities for Our Members.
•    Promote Cultural Awareness and Diversity.
•    Promote Opportunities for Higher Education to our Youth.
•    Assist our Communities to Improve Their Quality of Life.

The goal of the Association is to promote equality and professionalism in law enforcement. The objectives of the organization are to create a fraternal/professional Association that provides its members and members of the community with career training; conferences and work shops to promote education and career advancement; mentoring; and a strong commitment to community service.”

N.L.P.O.A. members build bridges between law enforcement and their communities while working to reduce neighborhood tensions through awareness programs and role model programs. Our philosophy regarding youth and education has reinforced the important contributions that our cultural diversity has provided this great nation. The National Latino Peace Officers Association in the largest Latino law enforcement association in the United States.



In the early 1970′s two Latino peace officers had a vision of a Latino law enforcement association, working cooperatively with law enforcement agencies and the community to recruit, select and retain Latinos into the criminal justice system. John Parraz, from the Sacramento Sheriff’s Department and Vincente Calderon, from the California Highway Patrol, using their personal time and money, organized and eventually founded what is now known as the National Latino Peace Officers Association. Today, N.L.P.O.A. has chapters from coast to coast.

After an organizing period, the National Latino Peace Officer’s Association was chartered and incorporated on a nonprofit basis in 1974 in San Jose, California. Since then, the Association has grown to become a national association and one of the largest Latino law enforcement associations in the United States. The NLPOA has chapters in Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin, and 21 chapters in California.

REGULAR MEMBERSHIP is available to all peace officers actively employed in or retired from any professional position in the criminal justice system and who supports the objectives of N.L.P.O.A.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP is available to all, non-sworn, persons who identify with and support the objectives of N.L.P.O.A.